Friday, July 25, 2008

It's Small, But It Sure Is Shiny

Our little kitchen might be the site of my very first DIY home decorating project. But not until we're able to walk in the front door without getting that sinking feeling that we are never, ever going to find storage space for the junk in the boxes that are languishing all over the Condo (notice how all of my posted pictures artfully conceal any hint of the surrounding rooms. Move junk out, take picture, replace).

But once we catch our breath, I'm playing with the idea of installing a modernish backsplash in some shade of red, or maybe dark gray. This one is just glass tiles placed over a painted wall -- love it.

I've been trying to find a picture of a backsplash that uses the small, red subway tiles that I noticed in one of the final episodes of Top Chef Season 4, when the chefs had to prepare their own recipes for diners at Taramonto's Steak and Seafood (does anyone else think the producers left Lisa in the running as part of some perverse viewer endurance experiment?). I loved that red and stainless steel kitchen. Here's a picture of the restaurant's seating area, which has the same dramatic-but-warm feeling as the kitchen.

This is the type of tile I'm talking about, but in a color that wouldn't work with our black granite countertops.

Of course, the whole thing could just be a pipe dream. My Man and I aren't really do-it-yourselfers. He even suggested hiring people to paint our walls (I'm tempted). But I can dream...


Anonymous said...

When I was in Fla. this spring, my grandparents took me to this store near Ft. Myer...I think it may have been called Home Goods or something. But it was gigantic and had the most amazing home design EVERYTHING that I have ever seen. I thought of it when I read your post b/c what really stood out to us were all of the tile displays. The glass-like tile in particular was gorgeous. Here's the link. I checked a local zip and it looks like there may be one kinda near you. I'll ask the grandparents if this is actually the store. :)

Tess said...

I've seen that place in Falls Church! Always wondered what it was. I can't believe I haven't checked it out yet, especially since I've made about 17 trips to the Home Depot next to it over the past month. Looks like DIY heaven.

Josie said...

I think Mikey and Jamie found most of the subway tile for their home renovation ( at Caravatis in Richmond ( - quite possibly the coolest store ever. And I'm going there this weekend! . . . I could take your order! ; )